Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank Customer Care | Phone Number, Email Id, Address: Abhyudaya Co-operative Bank Ltd is an urban multi-state Cooperative bank which was established in 1965 with the motto of “Prosperity through Co-operation”. Bank has 111 branches & 108 ATM centres in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka, all the branches Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank Limited is not yet listed in any of the stock exchange in India.
Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank Customer Care Number
Bank | Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank |
Head Office | K.K.TOWER, Abhyudaya Bank Lane. off G. D. Ambekar Marg, Parel Village, Mumbai-400 012 |
Phone number | Phone: 022-24180961 / 24180962 / 24180963 / 24180964 / 25260172, HO Phone: 022-24115047 , 24105097 |
Fax number | 022-25260179, 022-24109782 |
Email Id | [email protected] |
Website | https://www.abhyudayabank.co.in |
ATM Card Query | To block your ATM / Debit card, HOTLIST your card , just dial 9223110011 from your registered mobile, or You can contact 022-25246445/825 or email at hotlist[at]abhyudayabank[dot]net |
Toll Free Number | 18004195511 |
Bank Group | Co-Operative Bank |
Branch Timings | 10:00 AM – 04:00 PM |
Branch Holidays | Holidays, Sundays and 2nd & 4th Saturdays |
Branch Wording Days | Mondays – Friday and work full day on 1st , 3rd and 5th (if any) Saturdays |
About Abhyudaya Co-operative Bank Ltd
Abhyudaya Co-operative Bank Ltd is one of the leading Co-operative banks in India. It was founded in June 1965. Its headquarter is located at Mumbai, in the state of Maharashtra. It exclusively deals with forex, internet banking, demat services, mortage and trade products and its related services. As per 2012-13, it revenue stood at an increase of Rs. 131452.844 million (US$2.0 billion). It has a status of an urban multi-state Cooperative banking institution in India. With a small share capital of Rs.5000 (US$75), a group of social activists and workers initial started this bank way bank in 1964. It was converted into an Urban Co-operative bank within a short period of time. In the year 1988, it was conferred with Scheduled bank status by the Reserve Bank of India. On the other hand, it was registered as a multi-state co-operative bank by the Central Registrar, New Delhi on 11 January 2007.
Abhyudaya bank branches state wise list
- Gujarat
- Karnataka
- Maharashtra
The area of operation of this bank is largely confined to 3 States that are Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka. It has plans to extend its area of operation to other States. At present it has 111 computerized branches in India.
Acquisitions by Abhyudaya Co-operative Bank
• Udupi based Janatha Co-op. Bank Ltd.
• Pune based Citizens Co-op Bank
• Ahmedabad based Manekchowk Co-operative Bank
• Vadodara based Shree Krishna Co-operative Bank
Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank IFSC Code and MIRC code
Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank IFSC Code is the significant element for largely making online transactions in a successful manner. You should have the IFSC Code in order to perfectly do any NEFT, RTGS or IMPS fund transfer through online. These particular codes are properly maintained plus managed by the Reserve Bank of India. It is to be noted that only those branches of the bank that having approved online banking services are supported with an IFSC Code. It is to be remembered that IFSC Code for Abhyudaya Coop Bank is a unique, 11-character which is the combination of alphabets plus numbers. The initial four characters of the said code actually represent the bank name (ABHY*******), then the fifth character is remains usually zero (ABHY0******), and the last six characters represents as branch identifiers. The code allotted by the RBI is really unique for each and every bank branch. On the other hand, it is subject to change for security reasons only. MIRC code is printed on the cheque leaf that is provided to the banks customers.
How to Search Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank IFSC and MICR Codes?
It is quite easy to finding the IFSC Code and MIRC code for Abhyudaya Coop Bank which can be used for transferring funds online.
• All it just takes is few keying in the first few characters of the bank name, your state, your city and locality for getting the desired details and information.
• You can also use the drop down menu for selecting the name of the bank, state, city/district and area to get the branch address, its contact numbers and the IFSC, NEFT, RTGS and MICR codes online.
• With most up to date IFSC information at hand, you can easily transfer funds from one account to the other online with lot of perfection.
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